Upside-down Setting

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Today I would like to show you my amethyst ring. I made it some years ago. At that time, when I bought the gem, I wasn’t very sure how to set it. It was very big and tall and to make a ring with it, it could be difficult to wear. It remained closed in […]

A Lovely Afternoon

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It happens that you have a friend and that this friend is an antique dealer. Last Saturday, we were admiring the new arrivals in his shop. Bracelets, rings and earrings, all beautiful and all from the 60s and 70s. While we were chatting (I love chatting like that), it came up that he has an […]


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BANG!!! Suddenly these gems bumped into each other from two different countries. In the time we’re living in we must be open mind and meet people from different cultures and I like to image that these earrings are a rendezvous of cultures, people, way of living. The amethysts are from Sri Lanka and the emerald […]


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Whether they are little lighting points or chandelier earrings, it is a good rule to go out always wearing a pair of earrings. Choosing classic in jewelry could mean a pair of earrings wearable day and night. ameFor this post I have chose earrings, now available in our shop Etsy, that are realized with a […]